Faculty Collaborators

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Dr. Bruce Deruntz

Dr. Bruce Deruntz

Professor, Technology | Director, Leadership Development Program

Senetta Bancroft

Senetta Bancroft

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Lingguo Bu

Lingguo Bu

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Wesley Calvert

Wesley Calvert

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics

James Conder

James Conder

Professor, Department of Geology

Gary Kinsel

Gary Kinsel

Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Carey Krajewski

Carey Krajewski

Researcher I Professor Emeritus, Department of Zoology

Liliana Lefticariu

Liliana Lefticariu

Professor, Department of Geology

Ron Nagrodski

Ron Nagrodski

Lecturer, Department of Mathematics

Kathleen Spector

Kathleen Spector

Professor Emerita and Distinguished Teacher, Department of Mathematics

Mary Wright

Mary Wright

Professor Emerita and Distinguished Teacher; Ph.D., Department of Mathematics

Harvey Henson

Harvey Henson

Associate Professor, Curriculum & Instruction and Geology | Interim Director, STEM Education Research Center