Professional Development
Last Updated: Mar 07, 2025, 02:45 PM
Science in the South Annual Conference
Join K-12 educators from across Illinois to build your teaching skills, expand your content knowledge, and network with other teachers to exchange ideas. Whether you are a first-year teacher looking for new ideas or a veteran teacher looking for ways to energize your classroom, Science in the South offers a variety of workshops that will be relevant, informative, and fun! Don’t miss this opportunity to walk away with ready-to-use, hands-on activities and lesson plans for all grade levels!
Call for Presentations: All educators are invited to present any science-related topics that would be of interest to K-12 science teachers. Each accepted presenter will be required to pay a $25 fee, which includes conference materials, session/exhibit viewing, breakfast, luncheon and parking pass. Please fill out the online proposal. You may also fax or email a proposal form to 618-453-5680 or